Special Emphasis Training

The Inclusion Training Academy™ offers custom programs for clients with special needs and large registrations. Organizations in transition or renewal may require special program emphasis or may require training that includes one to two high profile public figures. We excel at developing programs that address the issues and unique needs of our clients. We can bring you the internationally recognized and famous personalities that you would normally find at large public venues. Talk to your Inclusion Training Academy™ representative about our alliances.

Key Benefits

It affects your bottom line:

  • You get who you want as a part of your conference.
  • you get miserable improved performance.
  • you will see the impact by work team.

We do what nobody else does:

  • We give you a process and the tools to have an immediate impact – not just training.
  • Learn from internationally known subject-matter expert professionals.

What you get:

  • A series of custom designed training sessions from high profile public figures as a part of your Conference.
  • You get discounted rates to reduce training expenses.

Pricing and Availability

If you are interested in our Special Emphasis Training, please feel free to contact us. We have competitive prices instructed by highly skilled professionals all done on site.